We’re happy to announce that this year’s NX Tooling Workshops will be held October 25th-28th to make sure all members of the tooling community are able to benefit from the latest developments in this best-in class CAD software for mold and die design.
Register for NX Mold Design Workshop
Register for NX Die Design Workshop
Schedules for this year’s tooling workshops can be found using the links below.
LTS Community Members Attend for Free
Due to restrictions created by COVID, this year’s multi-day events will be held virtually and will be FREE OF CHARGE to employees of any companies who are currently renewing their NX maintenance through Longterm Technology Services or one of its American partners. With limited resources and ensuring all our customers have equal opportunities to participate the event, we will limit up to 3 attendees per company.
This event is ideal for any company looking to learn more about the capabilities of recent releases of Siemens NX software. It’s especially beneficial for companies currently thinking about upgrading to a more recent version to keep pace with the upgrades being done by the major OEMs.
Who should attend
This workshop is designed for professionals in the NX Tooling user community who’d like to be brought up to speed on the latest enhancements to NX software and the impact these enhancements will have on the tooling industry.
What we’ll cover
This is a content-rich, multi-day event that will include engaging discussion and deep participation from industry experts. Topics covered will included specific commands in newer versions of NX and what these commands mean for your business.
Have your voice heard
This event will also be an opportunity for you and the NX user community to provide feedback on what you need to see in future releases of NX software to support your business priorities.
Register now for Siemens NX Early Access Program 2021
We look forward to seeing you at his year’s workshop! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to respond to this email or write us at marketing@longtermtec.com.